
Floods: Early Warning System

The event

The northeastern part of India, specifically Assam state, is prone to annual tropical typhoons that result in severe floods and widespread disruptions

The response

ERT partnered with two other tech companies to develop an early warning system, combining weather monitoring, mass notifications, and centralized communication using as an aggregator

The outcome

The solution could potentially enable our partner to reduce the direct impact of floods by 30% through the provision of timely and informed messaging to the most vulnerable communities

Floods response

The event

Following extremely heavy rains in the Assam state of North India in 2022, the ERT deployed to assist HAI grassroots organizations with their disaster relief efforts.

The response

The ERT enabled our partner's disaster operations to operate rapidly by digitizing their informational cycle, from raw data collection to automatic data analyses and real-time visualization on dashboards.

The outcome

HAI teams and other stakeholders were able to visualize the situational analysis, and design interventions using real-time insights.


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South Sudan

South Sudan is highly exposed to emergency events, such as floods, droughts, disease outbreaks and famine, posing substantial risks to the population.

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Work an Israeli NGO in charge of managing and coordinating the response to ocean related disasters and oil spills, through a vast network of civil volunteers and government agencies.

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