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Humanitarian HUB

The event

Supporting Red Cross Argentina in developing logistical supply chain management solutions for their regional disaster relief warehouse.

The response

The warehouse provides regional logistical support during emergency events. The ERT support enabled the Red Cross to respond to more emergency events in a more efficient and transparent way.

The outcome

By utilizing our emergency logistical supply chain management solution the Red Cross teams managed to save resources and lives with the efficient operation of their HUB.


IsraAID, a leading INGO in the disaster response space provided extensive support to affected populations following the humanitarian crises in Ukraine.

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During the 2022 hurricane season, Mexico was hit by numerous major storms, affecting hundreds of thousands of people.

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South Africa

Following heavy rains in the Durban area of South Africa in 2022, the ERT deployed to assist Red Cross South Africa (RCSA) disaster relief efforts.

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