South Sudan
Complete Digitization

South Sudan protracted disasters: localizing digital aid

The event

South Sudan is highly exposed to emergency events, such as floods, droughts, disease outbreaks and famine, posing substantial risks to the population.

The response

In 2024 the ERT arrived to South Sudan to support the RISE consortium of community-based organizations with digital tools to collect and share vital information, mobilize resources, and collaborate across the teams.

The outcome

RISE is equipped with the digital tools to conduct comprehensive assessments, produce real-time reports, improve coordination among 8 organizations, while engaging donors in evidence-based programming.


IsraAID, a leading INGO in the disaster response space provided extensive support to affected populations following the humanitarian crises in Ukraine.

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The ERT attended the UNDRR Regional Platform in Uruguay. Global disaster response practitioners discussed the importance and impact of digital transformation of the aid sector, especially in the pivotal work of risk reduction and preparedness.

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Bamberg:UA is a German based NGO that in April 2022 began to support Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons.

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